Syafni2013-02-042013-02-042013-02-04 purpose of this reasearch is to describe the effectiveness of Closed Suction System(CSS) to prevent VAP using clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS). The research method used is Quasi-Experiment with post test reseach design. The research was conducted at Awal Bros Hospital. The total responden in the research 30 respondents who were divided into two groups: group CSS as many as 15 people and groups Open Suction System (OSS) as many as 15 people. Sampling technique of purposive sampling. The data was by Chi-Squaret. The studys showed that there is not significan differences betweenCSS and OSS( p: 0.203). Based on the result of study, the reasercher suggested that for future reseacher have to add more the total responden and make homogen of characteristic of resppondent.enClosed suction systemopen suction systemnosokomial infection VAPEFEKTIFITAS PENGGUNAAN CLOSED SUCTION SYSTEM DALAM MENCEGAH INFEKSI NOSOKOMIAL VENTILATOR ASSISTED PNEUMONIA (VAP) PADA PASIEN DENGAN VENTILATOROther