Dewi, Ari PristinaArneliwati, ArneliwatiAgrina2021-11-092021-11-092020-11-04wahyu sari yeni study aims to investigate public perception of covid-19 sufferers, their families, and the corpse of the victims in Riau Province. Method: The study used a descriptive research design. There were 398 research sample aged 17 years old above who were living in Riau. They were recruited using a purposive sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to collect data in which its validity and reliability were initially tested. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis. Result: Most of the respondents–as many as 205 people (51.5%)–were late adolescents; the majority of them was female, accounted for 296 people (74.4%); 49.5% of the respondents were in high school or equivalent (197 people) where 171 of them (43%) was student. The respondents were mostly Muslims (370 people). 50% of the respondents have positive perceptions and the other half have negative view. Most of the respondents had positive perceptions of the families of covid-19 sufferers (58.3%) and the corpse of covid-19 victims (61.8%). Conclusion: The society had a negative perception of covid-19 sufferers, their families, and the corpse of the victims. Thus, the society needs to be educated so that they will have a positive perception of covid-19 sufferers, families, and the corpse by continuing to carry out the covid-19 prevention protocol.enCoronavirusCovid-19PerceptionPublicPUBLIC PERCEPTION OF COVID-19 SUFFERERS, FAMILIES, AND CORPSE IN RIAU PROVINCEArticle