Syahza, Almasdi2013-04-232013-04-232013-04-23wahyu sari yeni economy growth sometimes does not distribute the regional income equitably and evenly, since high economy growth could only had a chance to benefits certain society, like urbanite, while the society living at the rural areas did not have equal portion and is left behind. To minimize the imbalance, oil palm plantation is being developed and expected as a main exported commodity in Riau province in an effort to reach a high income toward economy level for the rural society. This research wants to know the influence of the export of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) and its influence toward the regional economy growth. The secondary data is analyzed by using OLS model. The result of this research showed that the export of CPO gives significant influence toward the growth of economy in Riau Province.enCPO ExportEconomy growthEKSPOR CPO (Crude Palm Oil) DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DEARAH RIAUUR e-Research