Ahmad, AdriantoBahruddinAmraini, Said ZulAndrio, David2014-02-062014-02-062014-02-06wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/5496The performance of anaerobic processes in the bioconversion of palm oil mill effluent into gaseous fuel is ve/y dependent on the concentration of biomass. Effort to increase the concentration of anaerobic biomass can be done by using anaerobic hybrid bioreactor. The bioreactor used had 3 chambers, each divided for an up and down flow pattem and having a working volume of 2,5 rrr. This study uses two anaerobic hybrid bioreactors equipped with cell immobilization media. Media used in cell immobilization is a medium density form of solid palm oil mills waste, namely: empty fmit bunch and palm midrib. Both bioreactors tested their performance by increasing feed flow rate unexpectedly by 50%, 100% and 150% under room temperature conditions and continuous operation. The results showed that the anaerobic hybrid bioreactor system was capable of converting single-phase oil palm mill effluent with a good performance, and testing with the feed Dow rate increased abruptly by 50%, 100%, and 150% indicates that the recovery time of the anaerobic hybrid bioreactor system is Single-phase of media empty fruit bunches <fnd palm midrib of media held fast with a periode of 6 to 8 days. Thus, the suddenly increase rate of the feed does not affect the performance of a single-phase anaerobic hybrid bioreactor, and the stability of the bioreactor is relatively high so as to convert liquid waste into fuel gasenshock loadssingle-phasethe anaerobic hybrid bioreactorwastewaterUJI KlNERJA BIOREAKTOR HIBRIO ANAEROB DALAM MENGOLAH LIMBAH CAIR PABRIK KELAPA SAWIT DENGAN BEBAN KEJUTUR-Scientific Work Lecturer