Halim, MubarakSabli, T. Edy2014-03-272014-03-272014-03-27978-979-792-217-4wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/5921Domestic wastewater have caused the surrounding environment to be polluted by high organic content of the wastewater. Domestic wastewater which causes water pollution were around 70% in Indonesia. According to this reason, it is important to develop appropriate low cost technology to solve this problem such as developing wetland system. The system tries to take the advantage of mutual activities between the soil microorganism and the plant roots which releases oxygen. Treating domestic wastewater using wetland system technology was already applied in some countries in Europe. It is important to intensive study about developing wetland system technology in Indonesia.enOrganic WastewaterWetland SystemLAHAN BASAH BUATAN UNTUK MENGOLAH AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIKUR-Scientific Work Lecturer