Hendri, YonKarma, AsmaraMusraini2014-03-252014-03-252014-03-25Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/5885This paper discusses a tecnique to solve a system of first order nonhomogeneous linear differential equations with constants-coefficient by writing it in a matrix form. Then order nonhomogeneous linear differential equations are formed which have coefficients involving matrix coefficient that have been formed and solved using variation of parameter method, hance the general solution is obtained from the differential equations discussed. This solution is focused only for andothergeneral solutionssystem of linear differential equationsvariation of parameter methodTEKNIK BARU MENYELESAIKAN SISTEM PERSAMAAN DIFERENSIAL LINEAR ORDE SATU NONHOMOGENOther