Febrika, Ayu2013-07-202013-07-202013-07-20Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4589This research is made to know the Analysis of Visitor decision choosing tourism object ”Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayag as tourism destination in Pekanbaru. the purpose of this research are: (1) To know the factors that influence visitor’s decision in choosing tourism object ” Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang” a tourism destination Pekanbaru, (2) To know the obstacles that is faced by manager to increase the number of visits in tourism object ” Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang” Pekanbaru. The limitation of this research are: (1) Internal factor that concist of: consumer resources, motivation, knowledge, attitude, character, life style and demography, (2) External factor that consist of custom, social class and the influence of group or family. The sample that is used in this research is 100 people. this research use descriptive metode to identify the problem. The result of this reseach are: (1) Internal factor, the respondent still hesitate about human resources, motivation, knowledge attitude, character, life style and demography influential in making tourist decision to visit tourism object ”Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang” Pekanbaru. (2) External factor, the respondent agree about custom, social class and the influence of group or family in taking the decision of tourist to visit tourism object ”Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang” Pekanbaru whole respondents agree with the analysis of visitors decision in choosng tourism object ”Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang” as tourism destination in Pekanbaru. The management of tourism object Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang Pekanbaru has some difficulties to increase the number visits of tourist, they are: (1) The limitation of transportation access an (2) The limitation of tourist attraction that accomodated.otherDecision VisitorsInternal FactorExternal FactorANALISIS KEPUTUSAN PENGUNJUNG DALAM MEMILIH OBJEK WISATA TAMAN REKREASI ALAM MAYANG SEBAGAI TUJUAN WISATA DI KOTA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree