Surya, Mahadi2013-07-312013-07-312013-07-31Nofianti,S.Pd Ability Of Female And Male Of The Third Year Students Of English Study Program FKIP UR Pekanbaru In Writing A Synopsis Of MovieThe objective of this comparative research is to find out whether there is significant difference of the ability between female and male of the third year students of English Study Program FKIP UR Pekanbaru in writing a synopsis of movie. The problem that the writer intends to discusss in this paper is concerned with the writing ability. The reason for choosing movie as the media in writing synopsis because this audio-visual could be understood easily by the students because they could watch, hear and comprehend the storyline directly. So the students require paying more attention and concentration about the problems in writing synopsis. Besides, it can give a contribution to other teachers to confer some information in choosing the appropriate method in teaching. By doing this research, the writer assumed that the students have comprehended about writing synopsis. Based on the research finding, it is clear that female students’ achievement is different from male students where females are better than males in language learning which is also evidenced by some theories, namely Oxford (2002) states that “females are superior in verbal skills, while males are superior in spatial skills. In other hand, in this research the students’ achievement in writing synopsis of movie, the writer found out: the score of female is higher than male in writing synopsis of movie and the theories from some researchers are true that female students are better than male students in language learning. The assumption of people that the female are better in writing is true. In this research, with the ranges score both of them are statistically (significant) in writing synopsis of movie.en-USWriting Ability,Comparative,MovieSynopsisThe Ability Of Female And Male Of The Third Year Students Of English Study Program FKIP UR Pekanbaru In Writing A Synopsis Of Moviestudent Paper Post Degree