Ramadhani, Eko AprillaTrikomora Rian2013-07-112013-07-112013-07-11rio andikahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4256Location geographically Riau Province has a very promising business opportunities, it is in because of its strategic position in other provinces on the island of Sumatra. One indicator of the development of a city is the existence of infrastructure, it can be seen in the growing city of Pekanbaru to the construction of high-rise buildings, one of which is the pride of building architectural masterpiece Riau Province, The governor's office building of the Riau provincial . Is Riau Province Governor's office building has a fire protection system reliability level is good and decent in their placement based on state laws? At the end of this task is to identify the availability and suitability of existing fire protection systems in buildings Riau Province Governor's office. Components were identified, namely completeness footprint, the means of salvation, active protection system and passive protection system. The method used in this study is an observational method, this research measure in the form of a feasibility assessment of building fire protection system with check-list method using direct survey of the building. The results in the form of value system reliability against fire safety of buildings (NKSKB) at the Governor's office building Riau Province with 23.75% tread completeness assessment, safety vehicle system is 14.60%, active protection system is 21.05 % and passive protection system 24.34%. The level of reliability of fire protection systems in buildings overall provincial governor's office is Good with a percentage of 84.19%.otherthe value of the reliabilitycompleteness treadvehicle rescueactive protection systemspassive protection systemANALISA KEANDALAN SISTEM PROTEKSI KEBAKARAN PADA GEDUNG (Studi Kasus Gedung Kantor Gubernur Riau Kota Pekanbaru)student Paper Post Degree