DAHNILSYAHMAHDUM2013-02-252013-02-252013-02-25wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2326This study provides an investigation that put emphasize on how far English teachers of SMP in Pekanbaru city enable to exploit or adapt the provided English textbooks. It is aimed at giving an unpact on policiy makers in education sector when providing enhancement quality programmes for English teachers which in turn give valuable contribution to the quality improvements of instrutional process in English lesson. From the result of this study, it demonstrates that most of English teachers of SLTP in Pekanbaru still heavily depend on the textbooks without doing any efforts to modify or adapt them. The class observation indicates that the inability and the lack of knowledge of textbook adaptation on the part of teachers have resulted in low achievement and less motivated on the part of the learners.enPENGADAPTASIAN BUKU AJAR OLEH BEBERAPA GURU BAHASA INGGRIS TINGKAT SMP Dl PEKANBARUUR e-Research