Nugroho, Soewignjo AgusSatibi, SyawalFatnanta, Ferry2015-12-152015-12-152015-12-15978-4-9905958-1-4c3051wahyu sari yeni design of highway, soil bearing capacity is ve1y affecting the thickness of pavement. One of the methods to determine the soil bearing capacity in Tndonesia is CBR (California Bearing Ratio) test. The field soil conditions are soaked (saturated) and un-soaked, considering these conditions, conducted CBR testing in the laboratory on soaked and un-soaked conditions. This research aims to make comparisons between CBR soaked test resultsfor CBR un-soaked in some variation of clay content and make simple comparisons between CBR soaked for CBR un-soaked by considering the soil properties whereas can be predicted the CBR soaked value based on the CBR un-soaked test results. The results showed that there was a linear correlation between the CBR soaked and CBR un-soaked also influenced by the nature of the index (the properties of the soil). The maximum value ofCBR ranges of30-40 percent clay contentenCalifornia Bearing RatioSoaked and un-soakedcorrelationEffect Of Clays Fraction To California Bearing Ratio Laboratory Test Value With And Without SoakedUR-Scientific Work Lecturer