Rahayu, SriSophia, HalidaSholeha, Novia Amalia2025-01-172025-01-172023-12PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11530Maredan clay from the western part of Maredan Village, Siak Regency, Riau Province can be used as raw material for zeolite synthesis. This study aims to determine the characteristics of zeolite synthesized with variations in hydrothermal time. Zeolite synthesis was carried out using the hydrothermal method with time variations of 5, 6, 20, 24, 36 and 48 hours. Data from the characterization of Maredan clay using XRF proved that Maredan clay has an Al2O3 content of 32.513% and SiO2 47.751%. XRD analysis showed that the synthesis of zeolite in samples with different time variations showed peaks of sodalite type zeolite appearing around 2θ = 14.16˚, 24, 65˚, 31.99˚ and 43.39˚, in addition to sodalite appeared zeolite A (LTA) in the area 2θ = 27.11˚, 32.54˚, 34.18˚, 42.85˚ and several peaks of zeolite Y around 2θ = 18.644˚. The zeolite synthesis product in this study is an impure type of zeolite because it contains several zeolite phases consisting of sodalite and zeolite Y. The crystallinity and crystal size of sodalite are 21.21; 27.45; 17.32; 16.92; 21.48; 126.81 % and 56.35; 42.28; 59.43; 25.35; 42.28; 126.82 nm. The crystallinity and crystal size of zeolite A (LTA) are 7.42; 9.99; 15.18; 11.54; 10.93; 5.70 % and 52.09; 43.59; 107.27; 18.6; 52.28; 52.29 nm.enAlkali fusionhydrothermalmaredan clayzeolitePENGARUH VARIASI WAKTU HIDROTERMAL PADA SINTESIS ZEOLIT DARI LEMPUNG MAREDANArticle