Israphil, Agha Dragona2013-07-192013-07-192013-07-19 Penjaga Perdamaian PBB pada awal berdirinya PBB yaitu pada 1945 belum ada. Tapi Operasi Penjaga Perdamaian PBB sudah dibentuk sejak tahun 1948 dalam Operasi pertamanya, yaitu penyelesaian konflik di Palestina (UNTSO). Untuk Pasukan Penjaga Pedamaian PBB sendiri baru ada pada tahun 1956 saat dibentuknya UNEF I saat menangani konflik antara Mesir dengan Israel dan konflik antara Mesir di satu pihak dengan Prancis-Inggris di pihak lain. Pasukan Penjaga Perdamaian PBB mempunyai prinsip-prinsip dalam menjalankan tugasnya, yaitu Adanya Persetujuan Para Pihak, Operasi PBB Bersifat Adil (Tidak Berpihak), dan Tidak Menggunakan Kekuatan Bersenjata Kecuali Hanya Untuk Membela Diri.Peacekeepers of the United of Nations (UN) is a special forces unit of the United Nations has a duty to keep and maintain international peace and security. Since the inception of the United Nations has been preoccupied with the task to resolve armed conflicts in various parts of the world. One example of the formation of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force that there is UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force) who served in the states of the former Yugoslavia in the fractional 1990s, namely in Croatia and Bosnia and Macedonia. However UNPROFOR in Bosnia is experiencing neglect charge that the events surrounding the killing of 8000 Male Adult including children and teenage boys and rape of Bosnian Muslim women and teen girls Bosnian Muslims in the UN safe zone of Srebrenica, which is located in the Eastern BosniaenUnited Nations Peace Keeping ForceUnited of Nations, Armed Conflict.TANGGUNG JAWAB PASUKAN PENJAGA PERDAMAIAN PERSERIKATAN BANGSA-BANGSA SAAT MENJALANKAN TUGAS DI DAERAH KONFLIKstudent Paper Post Degree