Yunizar2014-05-222014-05-222014-05-22978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yeni assesment was conducted at Tandun, Tokan Hulu district in MT 2010. The study was designed with a randomized block design with two factors, three replications. The first factor is the time of planting soybean after rice planting of: (1) two days after the rice harvest, (2) 5 days after the rice harvest, (3) 8 days after the rice harvest, and (11) 11 days after the rice harvest. The second factor is rice straw mulch (a) 2 t / ha, (b) 4 t / ha, and (c) 6 t / ha. From the results showed planting date affect growth and yield of soybean. Planting at 2 days after harvest rice crop gives the best results to the number of branches, pods / plant and the results compared with other treatments. Straw mulching also significantly affect plant height, number of pods / plant and yield. Rice straw mulching with a dose of 6 t / ha gave the highest yield compared to the other dose. The interaction between soybean after rice planting mulching also significantly influenced the growth, yield components and yield of soybean. Combination treatment between planting two days after the rice harvest by mulching with a dose of 6 t / ha gave the highest yieldsenplanting datemulchsoybeanKAJIAN HUBUNGAN WAKTU TANAM KEDELAI DENGAN MULSA SESUDAH PADI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL KEDELAI DI LAHAN KERING RIAUUR-Proceedings