Irzal, Awdia Kirana2022-03-142022-03-142021-09wahyu sari yeni article discusses full preliminary term reserve of endowment insurance for single insurance participant who are x years old using the interest rate model of Cox- Ingersoll-Ross and Pareto distribution. The parameters in the model is estimated using maximum likelihood methods. The solution of this problem is obtained by determining the single premium, annual premium, and life annuity. Then the reserve formula is obtained based on the distribution of Pareto and the interest rate model of Cox-Ingersoll-Ross.enCox-Ingersoll-Ross modelsfull premilinary term reservemaximum likelihood methodPareto distributionCADANGAN FULL PRELIMINARY TERM ASURANSI JIWA DWIGUNA DENGAN DISTRIBUSI PARETO DAN TINGKAT BUNGA COX-INGERSOLL-ROSSArticle