Mutiarawati, DillaHerman, Herman2019-04-232019-04-232019-04-23wahyu sari yeni method of amplification is used in the genetic field, specifically to multiply target DNA, using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. To amplify the target DNA, the first step that must be done is DNA isolation. One of the target DNA that can be amplified is the EF1α gene in tuntun angin plant (Elaeocarpus floribundus), this gene is one of housekeeping gene. The amplification of the EF1α gene used a pair of primer EF1α_F : 5 '- TCC AGC TAA GGG TGC C -3' and EF1α_R : 5 '- GGT GGG TAC TCG GAG A -3', with annealing temperature of 54,70C. The PCR result was then checked using electrophoresis method. The results showed a band of the EF1α gene. The size of the EF1α gene band was determined using 1Kb ladder DNA. Size of EF1α gene band was found to be about 900 pb, with a thin and single band.enAmplificationEF1α geneElaeocarpus floribundusPolymerase Chain Reactiontuntun anginAMPLIFIKASI GEN EF1α PADA TUMBUHAN TUNTUN ANGIN (Elaeocarpus floribundus)Article