Jafri, YendrizalOvari, Isna2016-01-132016-01-132016-01-132461-1069wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/7767Stimulation is an effort to stimulate children external environtment which can be arranged as an exercise or playing activities. Stimulation is an important basic need for children growth and development progress. Children who experienced with targetted stimulation will quickly developed. The purpose of this research is to reveal the correlation of socialization stimulation intervention towards the preschool children socialization development. The research design is Quasi Experiment with prospective methodology. The research population are pre-school children aged 36-47 months with 23 samples where questionnaires and observation sheets were obtained as the research instruments. The research progress was conducted for sample’s socialication stimulation in order to calculate their socialization development. Data were processed for their frequency distribution, mean value and Chi-Square Test. Finally, the research result revealed that early stimulation intervention catagorized in good position (47.8%), however, after socialization stimulation intervention has showed a better category for 87.0 percent on that group of age. On the other hand, the statistical test result has revealed that there is a significant correlation stimulation interventionwith children’s socialization development.It can be concluded that personal social developmentis strongly influenced by environment and interactionbetween children and parents or other adults. It will optimalize children development when social interaction intervention is stimulated based on their developmental stage.enstimulationsocialization developments36-47 months childrenCorrelation Of Socialisation Stimulation Intervention Toward The Pre School Children Age 36 – 47 Months Socialisation Development At Integrated Public Health Care, Pintu Kabun Region, Bukittinggi CityUR-Proceedings