Zulfikar, Moh2013-07-032013-07-032013-07-03sumarnihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4065A research aims to determine the relationship between parameters water quality and fish communities in the wetland area of Rantau Baru Village Sub District was conducted in Desember 2012 to February 2013. The method used in this research is a case study method with four stations. Data analysis using a Diversity Index (H '), Dominance Index (C) and Equitability Index (E) and the data of fish abundance were also obtained. Results shown that there were four families, six genera of fish that were consisted of 8 species, namely: : Clarias batrachus, Channa striata, C.micropeltes, Trichogaster pectoralis, T. leeri, Anabas testudinus, Helostoma temminckii, Pristolepis grooti. The fish abundance relative ranged from 27,92% - 0,19% ind/genus; H’ 2,7011 – 2,2191; C 0,2616 – 0,1681 ; E’ 0,7343-0.6033; temperatures 29,7 – 30,3 ⁰C; Depth 184,7 – 235,7 m; transparancy 32,5 – 56 cm ; turbidity 5 – 5,7 NTU; pH 4,7; dissolved oxygen 2,07 – 3,3 mg/l. Parameters water quality like a depth, pH and dissolved oxygen giving direct impact between fish abundance in the wetland area of Rantau Baru Village.otherWater qualityfish communitiesWetlandRantau Baru VillageThe Relationship Between Parameters Water Quality and Fish Communities In The Wetland Area of Rantau Baru Village Pangkalan Kerinci District Pelalawan Regency Riau Provincestudent Paper Post Degree