Trilia, Rezni2013-06-042013-06-042013-06-04 Metode Latihan Senam Aerobik High Impactterhadap Pengurangan Lapisan Lemak TubuhResults showed that the identification problem of some kind of aerobic exercise then selected types High Impact aerobics, exercise intensity is based on the movement of the feet leave the floor and in the order of motion suitable for people who are trained, as the Department has a co-ed sport. Particular student class of 2010 sports education Riau University Faculty of Teacher Training and Education sports science. This is because by definition of aerobics is an activity that continues - constantly which also combines several motion which strengthens the heart, blood circulation, and burn fat. The body becomes more easily distribute oxygen required significant energy reserves, fitness is calculated per unit weight, if fat increases, the student fitness will decrease, and vice versa. By monitoring the reduction of body fat at baseline and after administration of aerobic exercise High impact on the student. Therefore this study aimed to determine whether there are significant High Impactaerobics exercises on body fat layer reduction in Riau University coed physical education class in 2010. The issues raised in this study is "Are there any influence of aerobic exercise High Impact Against the body fat layer reduction in RiauUniversity coed physical education?". Study aimed to determine the effect ofaerobic exercise High Impact Against the fat layer reduction education student body at the University sports Riau. Research hypotheses proposed in this study is there is the influence of aerobic exercise High Impact Against a layer of body fat reduction on sports education student University of Riau. This research is experimental. The research was conducted at the University of Riau coed physical education. Data were obtained and collected through the initial test and final test before and after aerobic exercise High Impact. Data were analyzed descriptively. T test analysis results yield by 7,58 t and 1,734 t table at the significant level of 0,05. Means t> t table. Itcan be concluded Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. This gives the conclusion that there is a significant effect of exercise High Impact aerobics to body fat layer reduction in Riau University coed physicaleducation.en-USHigh Impact aerobics workoutBody Fat Layer ReductionPengaruh Metode Latihan Senam Aerobik High Impactterhadap Pengurangan Lapisan Lemak Tubuh Pada Mahasiswi Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Riau Angkatan 2010student Paper Post Degree