Hakim, Mona GustinaSyech, RiadArdhitama, Aristya2013-03-052013-03-052013-03-05Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2430A research on the analysis of cloud distribution was performed to predict the rainfall in Pekanbaru based on remote-sensing data. The data sources of the research was collected using a satellite and radar. The data was calculated using MAE, MAPE and RMSE. The research was conducted for fifteen days with three time divisions; at 00Z, 06Z and 12Z. The research using satellite shows that values of MAE, MAPE and RMSE at 00Z were resepectively 30.2, 44.74%, 116.964; at 06Z, that values were 11.486, 138.39%, 44.487; and at 12Z, the values were 30.406, 60.09%, 117.764, . With radar, the values of MAE, MAPE and RMSE at 00Z were respectively 36.166, 53.58%, 140.0728,; at 06Z were 40.28, 485.3%, 156.003; and at 12Z, the values of MAE, MAPE and RMSE were respectively 37.12, 73.21%, 143.765. The graphs of data show that satellite interpretation was better than radar interpretation. The relationship between the cloud peak temperature and the rainfall was very clearly seen. The lower the cloud peak temperature was, the lower the rainfall would be. Such a condition could not be seen at radar intepreation due to some hindering factors such as distance, celluler towers affecting the signal transmissionotherSatelliteRadarRainfallANALISA SEBARAN AWAN UNTUK MENENTUKAN PREDIKSI CURAH HUJAN DI KOTA PEKANBARU BERDASARKAN DATA PENGINDERAAN JARAK JAUHOther