Marita, Putri2013-01-222013-01-222013-01-22yeni Infection or Health Care Associated Infection (HCAI) is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in hospitals and the other health care facilities. Washing hands is the way to reduces incidence of HCAI. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of alcohol-based handrub because its antibacterial activity had been tested in clinical and WHO has identified formulations for the local preparation. This is an experimental study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended handrub formulation and isopropyl alcohol 60% to 20 subjects. Each subject wash their hand using WHO-recommended handrub formulation and isopropyl alcohol 60% and then do the test of antibacterial avtivity and count the bacterial colonies by Total Plate Count method. The results of this study showed that significantly log 10 of bacterial colonies in pre and post-handrubbing using WHO-recommended handrub formulation and isopropyl alcohol 60% and not-significantly difference of log 10 decrease using WHO-recommended handrub formulation and isopropyl alcohol 60%.otherAntibacterial activityWHO- recommended handrub formulationisopropyl alcohol 60%Total Plate CountDAYA ANTIBAKTERI CAIRAN PENCUCI TANGAN FORMULA WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) DAN ISOPROPIL ALKOHOL 60%student Paper Post Degree