Agustin, Putri2021-08-242021-08-242020-10wahyu sari yeni is the main requirement for human life. Therefore, a research was conducted to estimate groundwater potential using the Wenner Configuration Geoelectric Method on JalanMatoa Raya Sidomulyo Barat with coordinates N 0˚26'30,19214 '' and E 101˚24'20,3602 ''.The track used is 2 tracks with a path length of 100 meters and a space between the electrodes of 4 meters on each track. Then the data obtained were processed using Res2Dinv version 3.54.44 software. The results showed that the resistivity values varied around 360Ωm - 4839Ωm on track 1. The lithology of line 1 consisted of sand, gravel, sandstone, dry gravel and loam / marl. Line 2 for the resistivity value ranges from 243Ωm - 7769Ωm. Path lithology 2 consists of groundwater, gravel, sand, loam / marl, sandstone and dry gravel. The water quality test based on pH parameters shows that the water is acidic (pH<7), while based on the turbidity in the sample it is 0.00 which means that the water is not cloudy or clear.enIdentificationGraundwaterThe Wenner Geoelectric MethodHydrochemicalMETODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI WENNER DAN HIDROGEOKIMIA SEBAGAI IDENTIFIKASI AIR TANAH DANGKALArticle