Arlina, Destri2012-11-072012-11-072012-11-07Arbi Sahuri workers as human resources are the most important factor among other factors of production within the organization as human resources planning, implementing, and controlling all activities of the organization to achieve the goal. The employee can not and should not be equated with tools or machinery factories because the workers are men who have diverse personalities that can affect work productivity. The fact that is often found in a state work requirements have been met, employee productivity is felt still too slow. Even always looking for a reason that employee productivity is low due to limited resources of the company or employee dissatisfaction. Most people interpet or perceive that the situation is not saticfactory due to low wages or salaries. The view was indeed true and indisputable that the wages and working conditions of the effect on labor productivity, but morale is much larger role and impact on employee productivity.othermoraleperformance evaluationlabor productivityANALISIS USAHA PENINGKATAN SEMANGAT KERJA KARYAWAN (STUDI EVALUASI KINERJA KARYAWAN DIVISI SERVICE PT. SUKA FAJAR PEKANBARU)Article