Khairani2013-04-292013-04-292013-04-29Muchtar Rahmat study aims to determine the implementation of coordination in efforts to create peace and public order by Logas Tanah Darat district and to determine the factors that cause to less than optimal role of the distric in an effort to coordinate the implementation of peace and public order in the Logas Tanah Darat distric. Types and sources of data in this research obtained from the primary data sourced from research information and secondary data obtained through books related to research. Informants in this study is the district of Logas Tanah Darat, head of the peace and public order, headman of Logas, headman of Lubuk Kebun, secretary of Logas village, secretary of Lubuk Kebun village, and some community leaders. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis, after analysis it can be concluded that the general role in coordinating the implementation of district peace and public order when the research is done quite well, reted district is able to coordinating efforts is due to internal factor and external factor, given so widely the range is made to coordinate management. So that the communication factor also affects the smoothness of coordination is done by districtothercoordinationdistrict rolecommunicationpeace and public orderPERAN CAMAT DALAM MENGKOORDINASIKAN UPAYA PENYELENGGARAAN KETENTRAMAN DAN KETERTIBAN UMUM DI KECAMATAN LOGAS TANAH DARAT KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI TAHUN 2012student Paper Post Degree