Utomo, Emil Budi2014-05-022014-05-022014-05-02MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6107This study aimed to determine the implementation of discipline to employee work achievement by Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru. Work discipline as an independent variable (X) and employee work achievement as the dependent variable (Y), and this study took a number of respondents were 43 respondents. Data obtained through the questionnaire and then further processed to be tested through statistical analysis such as a simple regression analysis, t test, and correlation analysis and determination with the help of using the SPSS 16 for windows application. The results provethat the implementation of discipline to employee work achievement in Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru has done well.otherDiscipline,Work achievement,Resty Menara HotelPENGARUH PENERAPAN DISIPLIN TERHADAP PRESTASI KERJA (KASUS KARYAWAN HOTEL RESTY MENARA PEKANBARU)student Paper Post Degree