Setiawan, Anugrah2013-04-302013-04-302013-04-30 study aims to analyze the demand generated by several variables that consumer tastes associated with the brand, packaging and labeling, quality, expectations of the public, display, and prices of goods and the prices of other goods. This study uses the likers then selected 100 samples, the method used analist This qualitative descriptive and analysis method. From the results of testing that has been done, using all the independent variables have a significant effect terhadapa quality with a score of 2010, a component of consumer tastes affect demand, while the price with a score of 696 and the price of other items with a score of 1404 also affected, is affecting the display of the variable with the score 664 of variable consumer preferences towards product incandescent bulbs, it can be concluded that all variables have categories mampengaruhi almost entirely after the views of the highest score by a line continuum can be concluded that most affect the demand for incandescent lamps Philips brand is quality and product label incandescent Philips.otherBrandsPackaginglabelingqualityexpectations of the futuredisplaypriceprice itselfANALISIS PERMINTAAN PRODUK LAMPU PIJAR PHILIPS DI KOTA PEKANBARU