Fahri, AnisYusuf, Rachmiwati2019-01-032019-01-032019-01-03978-979-792-865-0wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/9501The agricultural sector has the most serious impact, especially in the food crop sector which is most vulnerable to climate change. Crop failure in a production center can cause shock in other regions, especially in areas that are not agricultural centers. Changes in rainfall patterns, increased extreme climate events, and rising air temperatures and sea water pollution have caused agricultural production, especially the food crop sub-sector to decline significantly. For this reason, the Research and Development Agency has developed adaptive technology with climate change, namely the integrated Planting Calendar (KATAM) information system. The development of integrated planting calendars is a necessity, which is expected to increase agricultural yields and reduce crop losses due to droughts and floods. This planting calendar provides complete information for farmers. The operational guidelines are set at the sub-district level. KATAM (planting calendar) as one of the important tools in adjusting cropping patterns of food crops with climate change. Delivering information about the direction, strategy and policies of the agricultural sector on climate change in the form of a road map to stakeholders and related parties. Referring to the Recapitulation of the Calendar of Rice Planting Potential of Siak Regency, the planting season of MH 2017/2018 (October 2017 - March 2018), it is known that the paddy planting index is 200%. The suitability of the real planting schedule is compared with the recommended planting schedule covering an area of 8,353 hectares (98.69%).enPlanting Calendarclimate changecropping indexproductionriceKesesuaian Jadwal Tanam Melalui Penerapan Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam Di Kabupaten SiakArticle