Syardi, Meisya Rahmatia2013-02-192013-02-192013-02-19 section can be done under general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia. The recovery time after caesarean section depends on which anesthesia is used while operating. The goal of this study is to determine the patient recovery time after caesarean section under general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia in RSUD Arifin Achmad Riau Province. This study is descriptive with cross sectional design study. This study is done to the patient after caesarean section in the recovery room of Emergency Unit RSUD Arifin Achmad Riau Province at 6 – 20 December 2012, using Aldrete score for general anesthesia and Bromage score for spinal anesthesia. The number of respondent in this study is 43 people. The result showed that the average recovery time for general anesthesia was 30.08 ± 6.45 minutes (median 29 minutes, range 20 – 42 minutes) and for spinal anesthesia was 47.16 ± 18.15 minutes (median 45 minutes, range 20 – 85 minutes). The conclusion of this study is the type of anesthesia which is used for caesarean section has a role for the patient recovery time.Recovery timegeneral anesthesiaspinal anesthesiaGAMBARAN LAMA PEMULIHAN PASIEN PASCA SEKSIO SESAREA DENGAN ANESTESI UMUM DAN ANESTESI SPINAL DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PROVINSI RIAU PADA TAHUN 2012