Setiyo, Yori Eko2021-08-242021-08-242020-10wahyu sari yeni has been carried out: Interpretation of Aquifer Depth to Determine Groundwater Potential Using the Geoelectric Method of Schlumberger Configuration in Tangkerang Utara Pekanbaru. This research is background by the potential for surface water which is decreasing due to increased population growth and agriculture in (2014–2019) in Tangkerang Utara Village. This study purpose to interpret the underground lithology layer, the depth and thickness of the aquifer as well as the potential of aquifer water by analyzing its resistivity value. The research was conducted at Imam Munandar Street Gang Pribadi RT.04 RW.13 Tangkerang Utara Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province. The research used the Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method. The number of tracks is two points with a stretch of 150 meters. The measurement result data is processed using Software Progress. Interpretation results on line 1 the resistivity value ranges (33.40–1046.76) ohm-meters and the resistivity value of line 2 ranges (53.81–2250.98) ohm-meters. Both tracks have sand, sandstone and aquifer lithology. Aquifers have been found in the third layer of line 1, namely at a depth (1.99–10,423) meters and a thickness of 8.43 meters. The potential for aquifer (groundwater) in Tangkerang Utara Village is 330.18 x 106 m3.enInterpretationAquiferGroundwaterGeoelectricSchlumberger Configuration Tangkerang UtaraINTERPRETASI KEDALAMAN AKUIFER UNTUK MENENTUKAN POTENSI AIR TANAH MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI SCHLUMBERGER DI DAERAH TANGKERANG UTARA PEKANBARUArticle