Harenia2014-05-032014-05-032014-05-03MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6126The research describes about motivation usefull in productivity òf employee. That the motivation is a concept to generated the spirit òf work which that will influence the work Performed ỏr productivity òf the employee. In thís case productivity ás output in any work performed by employees. To Ẽxplain the research, the writer will utiliezied theory òf motivation. Motivation as a set òf attitudes and values that affect individuals to achieve specific purpose in accordance with personal. Attitude and values that constitute an invisible which gives power to encourage individuals to behave in achieving goals. And while productivity ís the ratio òf output and input In the production process in a given period. Inpu consists of management, labor, cost òf production, equipment and time. Output includes production, product sales, revenues market share and product damage. With the labor productivity í expected to be implemented efficiently and effectively, so it all ended very necessary in achieving the goals that have been set. The method use in thí study is décriptive kuantitatif, where data are based on place of study and state employees as a research object. And research is conducted in PT RAPP Pangkalan Kerinci Based on data from thí study conclueded that motivation has an influence on the increase in labor productivity in a company to employeeotherMotivation,Labor Productivity,Human Resource ManagementPELAKSANAAN PEMBERIAN MOTIVASI TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA KARYAWAN ( Kasus Bagian Produksi PT RAPP Pangkalan Kerinci )student Paper Post Degree