Ramadhan, Diko Anugrah2013-01-222013-01-222013-01-22yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1571ABSTRACT Description of the diatom species existed in water column were of a key information in forensic science, especially in diagnosing the drowning site. Examining the diatom presence on the tissue, lung, blood, kidney as well as in the lymph of the victim (death person), were performed to confirm whether the death due to drowning or that other reason. Qualitative description of diatom in the part of body victim were compared to that in water, prior to confirmation the location of death. The study were located in Siak river on Mempura district, Siak Regency, in May and June 2012. The key identification of diatom were referred to Masaharu (1977) and Yungfang (1995), while diatom density were calculated following method of American Public Health Association (APHA). It revealed that 26 diatoms species were identified which consisted of Actynodiscus sp, Amphora sp, Asterionella sp, Aulacoseita sp, Cocconeis sp, Coscinodiscus sp, Cyclotella sp, Dactyliosolen sp, Diatoma sp, Eucampia sp, Eunotia sp, Fragillaria sp, Hyalodiscus sp, Isthmia sp, Melosira sp, Nitzschia sp, Navicula sp, Planktoniella sp, Pleurosigma sp, Rhizosolenia sp, Streptotheca sp, Stephanodiscus sp, Surirella sp, Tabellaria sp, Triceratium sp, Thalassiosira sp. Total abundance of diatom account 5987,5 cells/L. Apparently, Aulacoseira sp were dominant in the water which abundance of 812,5 cells/L which average of all stations were 1197,5 cells/L.otherdiagnosticdrowningdiatomspeciesabundanceGAMBARAN DIATOM PADA PERAIRAN SUNGAI SIAK KECAMATAN MEMPURA KABUPATEN SIAK SEBAGAI PENUNJANG DIAGNOSIS IDENTIFIKASI TEMPAT KORBAN TENGGELAMstudent Paper Post Degree