Ramadhanis, FitriHasriatiAziskhan2016-04-272016-04-272016-04-27wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8296This article discusses the prospective reserves with interest rate models of Ho-Lee for pension premium reserve of Projected Unit Credit method. Interest rate models of Ho- Lee is a normally distributed no-arbitrage interest rate model and is expressed by stochastic differential equations that follows the Ito’s process. Interest rate models of Ho-Lee has parameters to be estimated is k dan . To determine the parameter estimations is used MLE (maximum likelihood estimation) for and Svensson models for k and then followed by a numerical approach using Newton Raphson method.enInterest Rate Models of Ho-LeeProjected Unit Credit MethodProspective ReservesCADANGAN PREMI PENSIUN METODE PROJECTED UNIT CREDIT DAN ASUMSI TINGKAT BUNGA HO LEEstudent Paper Post Degree