Muchtar, Ade Wahyu2023-01-202023-01-202022-10PerpustakaanElfitra cambodia (Plumeria rubra) is a plant of the Apocynaceae family which is rich in secondary metabolites and has potential as a source of medicines. This study aims to isolate secondary metabolites contained in red frangipani flowers extracted using ethyl acetate as a solvent and to test antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. The purpose of this study was to isolate secondary metabolites and test the antioxidant activity of red frangipani flowers from ethyl acetate extract using the DPPH method. Phytochemical test results showed the content of secondary metabolites of terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids and phenolic groups. Isolation was carried out by maceration method using methanol as solvent and partitioned using n-hexane and ethyl acetate as solvent. The ethyl acetate extract was separated using Vacuum Liquid Chromatography (VLC) to produce 7 fractions. In fraction 4 the ethyl acetate extract produced a pure compound in the form of a white powder with a melting point of 264-266°C and coded PrEF4. The FTIR spectrophotometer indicates the presence of absorption in the wave number (cm-1) i.e. 3310 (OH), 2849-2959 (C-H), 1588 (C=C), 1463 (CH2), 1379 (CH3), and 1055 (C-O). The results of the antioxidant test using the DPPH method showed that the ethyl acetate extract had an IC50 191 μg/mL (AAI 0,42) value which was classified as weak and the PrEF4 compound had an IC50 > 1000 μg/mL (AAI < 0,5) value classified as very weak or inactive as an antioxidant.enantioxidantphytochemicalplumeriaISOLASI DAN UJI ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK ETIL ASETAT BUNGA KAMBOJA MERAH (Plumeria rubra)Article