Maulirany, NancyBahruddinA Yelmida2013-06-272013-06-272013-06-27rio andika caused by the high content of paraffin and asphaltene in crude oil can be deposited in the wellbore and/or production pipe. Deposit was called the frozen oil. In this research will be observed the influence of temperature, solvent mixture and soaking time on the solubility of paraffin and asphaltene in crude oil and hydrocarbon composition and determine the fraction of SARA (saturate, aromatic, resin and asphaltene) in the filtrate of solubility test results. Solvent mixtures used in this study there are four (4) groups: solvent A (xylen + diesel fuel), solvent B (toluene + diesel fuel), solvent C (xylen + diesel fuel + alkylbenzene sulfonate) and solvent D (toluene + diesel fuel + alkylbenzene sulfonate), with temperature 60 and 90 0C and soaking time 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes. % Solubility shows that the solvent C at a temperature of 90 0C and 30 minutes soaking time has the greatest solubility is 92%. Even though the solubility of the solvent C is the highest, but the addition of alkylbenzene sulfonate in solvents C are not enough increases the solubility compared to the solvent A without alkylbenzene sulfonate. From the analysis of Gas Chromatography (GC) at filtrate and original frozen oil showed that the original frozen oil C29 frozen oil has the highest concentration of 12.04%, while in the filtrate C29 is no longer high, soluble fractions into lighter ones. From the analysis of the concentration of saturate, aromatic, resin and asphaltene (SARA) at filtrate and original frozen oil, indicating that the initial sample asphaltene frozen oil have the highest concentration of 36.17%, while the concentration asphaltene in the filtrate no longer high.otherasphaltenediesel fuelgas chromatographyparaffinSARAtoluenxylenPelarutan Minyak Beku Pada Sumur Produksi Dengan Campuran Pelarut Organikstudent Paper Post Degree