Alfa, R.MinarniSalomo2013-07-252013-07-252013-07-25Rangga Dwijunanda Putra study on Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a single slit using a He-Ne Laser and Heisenberg uncertainty principle has been conducted. A slit width (s) and a distance from slit to screen (L) are varied to investigate the resulted diffraction patterns. The slit width sizes used are 0,03 mm and 0,06 mm, and L varied from 300-1000 mm. Thedistance between two dark fringes are measured (∆w) until the 5th order and averaged. The an uncertainty constant for Heisenberg uncertainty (A) principle is calculated. The results showed that ∆w values increased as L larger. Uncertainty constant (A) is larger when the slit width (s) smaller with A values equal or bigger than 1, it means the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is proved for the two slits.otherSingle slitFraunhofer diffractionHeisenberg uncertaintyANALISA POLA DIFRAKSI FRAUNHOFER PADA CELAH TUNGGAL DAN PEMBUKTIAN PRINSIP KETIDAKPASTIAN HEISENBERGOther