Wilson, Rai2013-07-242013-07-242013-07-24http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4662Kendala yang ditemukan oleh Kepolisian Sektor Mandau Duri dalam menangani tindak pidana judi togel di Kota Duri Tahun 2011, pertama sumber daya manusia yang ada masih belum berkualitas, kedua faktor sarana dan prasarana kurang memadai, ketiga kurangnya kepedulian dan kesadaran hukum, keempat sulitnya mengungkap barang bukti, kelima tempat transaksi judi togel berpindah-pindah, keenam adanya pihak kepolisian yang melindunggi atau mengamankan pelaku judi togel.Indonesian Police Officers parties in this case the Police Sector Saber Duri in various ways have been sought to eradicate gambling by way toggle that arrests and raids where gambling but the outcome has not been satisfactory and up to date gambling is rampant everywhere. Many obstacles and barriers, starting from the product of legislation that has been generated, the technical implementation of the actors in the field like law enforcement officers, to the role of the environment in terms of public participation led to the need for it to be so special review of the handling of gambling piadana toggle on Police Saber Duri sector in 2011.enHandlingin the Police Sector Saber DuriJudi TogelCrimePENANGANAN TINDAK PIDANA JUDI TOGEL DI KEPOLISIAN SEKTOR MANDAU DURI TAHUN 2011student Paper Post Degree