Darimi, DarimiSiregar, Yusni IkhwanAnita, Sofia2019-01-082019-01-082019-01-09978-979-792-865-0wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/9510Background and Purpose: Air pollution will make the city environment unhealthy and can interfere with human health, therefore air pollution must be strived so as not to increase. One way to reduce air pollution in urban areas is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build Green Open Space (RTH). Therefore the purpose of this study is to calculate the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles in the city of Pekanbaru based on the distance traveled and the fuel used. Materials and Methods: Air pollution at a certain level can be a combination of one or more pollutants, either in the form of solids, liquids or incoming gases dispersed into the air and then spread to the surrounding environment. Further analysis in this study is to analyze environmental factors related to community environmental health and research methods is a quantitative method that is trueexperiment, the equation used is the emission load equation of the exhaust gas. Result: Some compounds produced from complete combustion such as non-toxic CO2, have recently become a concern of people. CO2 compounds are actually naturally occurring components in the air. Therefore CO2 previously did not keep the order of air pollution which is more than normal attention due to excessive use of fuel every year, so that in this study shows an increase in CO2 with increasing number of vehicles and mileage. Conclusion: Exhaust emissions are strongly influenced by the distance traveled and the number of vehicles, but there are other factors associated with increased gas emissions, namely congestion, so that technological advances in reducing the rate of increase in exhaust emissions are no longer functioning. Other factors that need to be taken into consideration are the number of vehicles, vehicle age, vehicle maintenance, vehicle speed, type of fuel, amount of fuel, and engine capacity that can affect vehicle exhaust emissions on the intersection of the morning market.engas emissionsmileagenumber of vehiclesBeban Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor Berdasarkan Jarak Tempuh Dan Jumlah Kendaraan Pada Persimpangan Pasar Pagi Arengka PekanbaruArticle