Amelia, Savini Rezki2022-11-282022-11-282022-07PerpustakaanElfitra acid bacteria (LAB) are bacteria that produce lactic acid. LAB in general can live naturally in vegetables and fruits including banana peels. Banana peel is rich in carbohydrates so that it can be a substrate for LAB growth. This study aimed to isolate and characterize LAB from the peel of sweet banana (Musa acuminata). Isolation of LAB from banana peels was carried out using the spread plate method using Man Rogosa Sharpe Agar selective medium. All morphological characterization, physiological and biochemical tests were investigated. The results of the isolation obtained 5 LAB isolates. Based on the colony morphological test, all isolates were Gram-positive bacteria. They showed variation based on physiological and biochemical tests.enAntibacterialbanana peelcharacterizationisolationlactic acid bacteriaISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT DARI KULIT PISANG MANIS (Musa acuminata)Article