2013-01-302013-01-302013-01-30Nhora, S.Pdhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1785ANALISIS KINERJA GURU SMP DAN SMA NEGERI YANG TELAH TERSERTIFIKASI DAN YANG BELUM TERSERTIFIKASIThe teachers competence is a set of abilities and skills that must be possessed by the teacher in carrying out his duty as educators so that they can realize their performance appropriately and effectively in implementing their profession. Teacher competency consists of pedagogical, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. The four competences are reflection of teacher performance, both teacher salaries and teacher who has been appointed as Civil Servants (PNS), both teachers who have not been certified or who have certification. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the performance of teachers who have been certified and are not certified in SMP Negeri 1 Kerumutan and in SMA Negeri 1 Kerumutan. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, with a sample of 44 people. Data was collected using a questionnaire completed by the principal at the institution he leads. The collected data are then tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics and T test. From the calculation of the T test, it is known that there the differences between performance of teachers who have certification and the certification has not been good at SMP Negeri 1 Kerumutan and in SMA Negeri 1 Kerumutan. This is thought to be caused by several factors, among which are: experience, motivation to teach, feeling proud to be a teacher, a lack of effort to improve their skills. Therefore, teachers must continue to strive to provide optimal effort to perform in accordance with specified standards. Moreover, the principals also continue to provide motivation by providing opportunities for teachers to attend training, seminars, discussions and provision of facilities to support teachers in improving their performance.en-USTeacher PerformanceCertificationANALISIS KINERJA GURU SMP DAN SMA NEGERI YANG TELAH TERSERTIFIKASI DAN YANG BELUM TERSERTIFIKASI DI KECAMATAN KERUMUTAN KABUPATEN PELALAWANstudent Paper Post Degree