Nainggolan, PenikoSampoernoSaputra,Sukemi Indra2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16Arnalis Nainggolan. Jur.2012oil palm can be grown outside the region of origin Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, even able to give a higher yield. Judging from the state of the population is dominated by farmers, as well as from the state Chart Sinembah district has good potential for the cultivation of oil palm plantations. Increased production of oil palm plantations in the district Chart Sinembah can be pursued through the use of quality seeds, good and true rejuvenation under the guidance of the local Department of Agriculture. Use the method of survey research using primary data and secondary data. Farmers samples taken as many as 30 people, selected samples were oil palm farmers with palm trees aged 20 to 25 years, This research was conducted in the district Chart Sinembah Rokan Hilir in March to May 2012. The results showed that the lack of action against oil palm agronomy entering the maximum age. This is reflected in some farming techniques that do not follow the advice of farmers sample set, such as fertilizer, seed selection and pest control palm.otherPalm Oil PlantReplantingKondisi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Yang Sudah Tua Yang Layak di Remajakan (Replanting) Pada Perkebunan Rakyat di Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilirstudent Paper Post Degree