HamiduddinSutikno SigitFauzi Manyuk2013-06-292013-06-292013-06-29rio andikahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3988Hydrological modeling is a simplification or approximation from an actual reality of hydrological phenomena. Data’s availability for modeling is often become a problem because of incompleteness and imprecision data. Advancement of remote sensing technology makes it possible to overcome these problems by using data derived from satellites. To use satellite’s data for hydrological modeling needed a special software, one of it is the Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS). IFAS was be used to model the rainfall-runoff in Riau Province, Tapung Kiri watershed. This model was simulated and calibrated with period from 1 January until 31 December 2006 and then was validated with period 1 January until 31 December 2005. Modeling become optimal after the calibration process with the correlation (R) value of 0,776, volume error (VE) of 0,574%, and the coefficient of efficiency (CE) of 0,75. This showed that the model has a high degree of association with the measured data (0,7 <R <1,0), the difference of volume is still tolerable (VE <5%), and the efficiency of model to the measured discharge is quite efficient (0,36 <CE <0,75).otherrainfall-runoff modelingsatellite dataIFAS modelPEMODELAN HIDROLOGI HUJAN-ALIRAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN DATA SATELIT HASIL PENGINDERAAN JAUH (Studi Kasus DAS Tapung Kiri)student Paper Post Degree