Tinov, Muhammad Y TiyasHandoko, Tito2015-01-292015-01-292015-01-29978-979-792-332-7wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6683This study aims to determine the model of land dispute resolution and to know the policy that relate directly to land dispute that Integrates the public interest (local and mst society) with the government The usefulness of the startinq point of the horizontal ownershiP of land resource conflicts between local and host soc1etv (societv of transmiqrants) are brouqht from various reqions in Java since 1986 espec1allv in the villaqe of Transmiqrat1on Sumai Golanq OistriC! of Kelavanq lndraq1rr Hulu Req1on OwnershiP of land resources conflict as a result of v1olat1on of terntonal txJ undanes and the v1olat1on of the r1ghts of local society (communal land) during the New Order governmentenConfliciSocial RelationsPolicyHorizontal Conflict and Social Relations of Rural SocietyUR-Proceedings