Pratiwi, Dwi PanjiJasril, Jasril2025-01-212025-01-212024-01PerpustakaanElfitra is a five-loop heterocyclic compound that has two nitrogen atoms in its ring and contains one endocyclic double bond. Pyrazoline compound 4-(5-(3- methoxyphenyl)-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-yl)phenol (P3OME-4OH -4NTR) had been synthesized in three-step of reaction process. The first step of formation of chalcone compounds uses the microwave irradiation method with a yield of 54%. The second step of formation of the compound (4-nitrophenyl)hydrazine uses the heating stirrer method with a yield of 84%. The last stage of formation of P3OME- 4OH-4NTR compound using the heating stirrer method with a yield of 77%. The purity of the compound P3OME-4OH-4NTR was tested by measuring melting point, TLC and HPLC analysis and compound structure was confirmed using UV and FTIR spectroscopic characterization.enPyrazolinereactionspectroscophySINTESIS SENYAWA PIRAZOLIN 4-(5-(3-METOKSIFENIL)- 1-(4-NITROFENIL)-4,5-DIHIDRO-1H-PIRAZOL-3-IL)FENOLArticle