Susilawati, Eka2013-02-122013-02-122013-02-12Nickmatil Verdani Fitri Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar MatematikaThis study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes through the implementation approach of Direct Intruction Model in the SD Negeri 016 Kecamatan Bangko Rokan Hilir semester academic year 2011/2012 on the subject matter fractions. The research was conducted at the SD Negeri 016 Kecamatan Bangko Rokan Hilir semester academic year 2011/2012. As the subjects were fourth grade students totaling 20 people, academically capable high, medium and low. This research is a classroom action research with the teacher as researcher. In the implementation of action research follows two cycles of the first cycle (first) and second cycle (second). Cycle I (first) consists of three meetings. Further held daily tests I (one) of the observation and reflection on the cycle I held improvement / strengthening of the learning process in the second cycle with three meetings. Further held daily test II (two) of their observations and reflections on the second cycle with the implementation of realistic mathematics education. The results showed that with the use of Direct Intruction Model learning can improve learning outcomes evidenced mastery of criteria ketercapian Minimum 60 on the base score 8 students (40%), increased in the first cycle to 13 students (65%) and increased again in the second cycle to 18 students (90%). It can be concluded that the implementation of Direct Intruction Model can improve student learning outcomes math class of IV SD Negeri 016 Kecamatan Bangko Rokan Hilir semester academic year 2011/2012 on the subject matter fractional second semester of academic year 2011/2012.en-USDirect learning modelechievement.Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Di Kelas Iv Sd Negeri 016 Bagan Jawa Kecamatan Bangko Kabupaten Rokan Hilirstudent Paper Post Degree