Faridza, Mohammad Dandi2022-01-192022-01-192021-07wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10416The cryptographic virtual currency, bitcoin, is considered the main originator of cryptocurrencies that emerged due United States financial crisis in 2008. The idea was sparked by Nakamoto by introducing an alternative currency system that really refers to the strength of supply and demand. Based on INDODAX data, the bitcoin exchange rate during October 2020 to February 2021 is a condition of a large increase in a short time with a percentage increase of 450%. The increase in bitcoin prices can be modelled using the b-spline nonparametric regression method based on order and optimal knot points based on the smallest Generalized Cross Validation value. The resulting b-spline 4 degree and the number of knots points 5 as the best model with each bases described recursively.enBitcoincryptocurrencynonparametricb-splinegeneralized cross validationPEMILIHAN MODEL REGRESI B-SPLINE TERBAIK UNTUK ESTIMASI KENAIKAN HARGA BITCOIN BERDASARKAN ORDE DAN TITIK KNOT OPTIMALArticle