Firdaus2014-11-262014-11-262014-11-26Dody century of palm journey2 has demonstrated its role as a contributor to foreign exchange. Riau Provincial Secretariat, noted oil palm plantations in Riau province in 2010 and 2011 has contributed Rp16, 65 trillion from CPO exports of palm oil and its derivatives.3 Palm oil industry contributed to the enhancement of the national economy, employment, improved quality of life of local communities. In addition, palm oil is also a negative impact on society and the environment. Often the respect and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples especially communal land neglected oil palm plantations (PPKS).IndigenousCommunal LandProtectionProtection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Study of Communal Land In The Management of Oil Palm Plantation in IndonesiaUR-Scientific Work Lecturer