Romario, Sugaray2013-02-052013-02-052013-02-05 of this study was to examine the relationship of age, knowledge, nursing personnel and the environment (friends) with motivation in doing gymnastics elderly elderly. method in this research is descriptive correlation. research is done in UPT social services Tresna wherdha khusnul khotimah pekanbaru with a sample of 63 individuals. sampling technique was total sampling. measuring instrument used was a questionnaire with 10 questions for motivation, for ages 10 questions, 10 questions to the environment (friends). Univariate test results obtained majority Elderly age category (60-75) were 39 people (61.9%), good motivation were 36 (42.9%), poor knowledge of as many as 37 (58.7%), both as a nursing officer 35 (55.6%), and environment (friends) unfavorable by 36 (57.1%). bivariate test results obtained p value 0.991 for age relationship with motivation, p value 0.000 for the relation between knowledge and motivation, p value 0.000 for the relationship with the motivation of health workers and the p value 0.581 for the relationship (friend) with motivation. at alpha = 0.05 and conclude p value <alpha value. so the results of this study indicate that there is no relationship between age and environment (friends) with elderly motivation in doing gymnastics, while for knowledge, health significant relationship with motivation in doing gymnastics elderly seniors in UPT Institution Sosial Sresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah Pekanbaru.enmotivationageknowledgehealthenvironment (friends)Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi Lansia dalam Melakukan Senam Lansia di UPT Pelayanan Tresna Werdha Khusnul Khotimah PekanbaruOther