Normaya, DesvaIsda, Mayta NovalizaFatonah, Siti2016-01-262016-01-262016-01-26wahyu sari yeni is a high quality wood crop. Tembesu seeds has natural dormancy because its small and hard seed. One way to break this dormancy is by soaking with giberelin (GA3) for 24 hours. This study used complete randomized design with five treatments i.e control, 50 mg/L , 75 mg/L , 100 mg/L and 125 mg/L giberelin concetration , with five replications each treatment. This research aimed to know the influence of various giberelin solutions and to determine the correct concentration for germination and growth process of tembesu. The result showed that all of the treatments could increase the germination of Tembesu seeds. The best giberelin concentration for the germination was 125 mg/L.enFragraea fragrans RoxbdormancygiberelingerminationRESPON PERKECAMBAHAN BIJI TEMBESU (Fragraea fragrans Roxb.) PADA PERENDAMAN BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI GIBERELIN (GA3)student Paper Post Degree