Dewi, Dyah MustikaBahri SyaifulSahan Yusnimar2013-04-202013-04-202013-04-20rio andika is non-reneweble fuel sources, its production decline gradually, while consumption increase significantly. Therefore it is necessary to find a new alternative energy, such as bio oil from a waste of palm plantation such as stem palm. Stem palm can be converted to bio oil by pyrolysis process using Ni.Mo/Cengar Clay as a catalyst. This research is aimed to determine the ratio effect between weight of catalyst (grams) and sample weight (grams) (0:50; 0,25:50; 0,75:50; 1,25: 50) respectively. In the pyrolysis process is used 500ml silinap 280-M as heating media and temperature 330oC. The maximum yield of bio oil is around 70,54% under ratio catalyst : sample (0,75: 50). Bio oil properties having density of 0,988 g/ml, 10,74 cSt viscosity, flash point 52 0C, and the acidity content 71,34 g NaOH/g sample. Based on GC-MS analysis is found that bio oil contain several organic compounds, such as acids, ketones, aldehydes, phenols, alcohols, ect. It can be concluded that bio oil can be further processed into alternative energy sources instead of petroleumotherBio oilNi.Mo / Cengar ClayPyrolysisStem palmKONVERSI BATANG SAWIT MENJADI BIO OIL DENGAN KATALIS Ni.Mo/LEMPUNG CENGARstudent Paper Post Degree