Melinda, Riska2021-07-152021-07-152020-07wahyu sari yeni can be used as an indicator of environmental health, Lichen is an association of fungi and algae that live epiphytically by sticking to the trunk, branches and the host. This study aims to determine the morphology of the genus Dirinaria talus lichen found in meranti trees located on the edge of the Ghimbo Potai Indigenous Forest which borders directly with the access road of the community. The sampling technique used is exploration with a purposive sampling method on meranti trees. Based on the results of the study found 3 species of the genus Dirinaria namely the genus Dirinaria picta, Dirinaria sp1 and Dirinaria sp2enBioindikatorLichenDirinaria pictaHutan Larangan Adat Ghimbo PotaiMORFOLOGI TALUS LICHEN GENUS DIRINIRIA DI HUTAN LARANGAN ADAT GHIMBO POTAIArticle